Find out how vinyl flooring can improve your walk-in cooler and freezers.

Nervous About Water Damage?
Whether you are on the 1st, 2nd, or 10th floor in your building, water damage can create a ton of problems for you. We hear horror stories from restaurant owners about their coolers breaking and causing damage to the tenants below them or to their own building. Many things can contribute to these issues like condensation coil, evaporator, and fan problems. As your cooler defrosts, or water leaks, your floor can be damaged as well as everything around and under your cooler.
Prevent Moisture Damage Before It Happens
Vinyl Safety Flooring is waterproof from wall to wall. It can be installed over most existing flooring materials. Seal your floors with a flooring product that solves moisture problems instead of masking them. It’s nonporous which makes it impervious to bacteria and other liquids and materials. Moisture damage occurs when liquids pass through porous material or through cuts and abrasions on your floor. This can be prevented by covering it with a waterproof and durable flooring surface that can be installed up the wall. These floors will not crack due to low temperatures because of their flexible attributes and welded seams. Ramps and difficult corners and angles are no problem for Vinyl Flooring.
What’s That Smell?
Does your cooler smell bad but you can’t find the spoiled food it must be coming from? Think again. The odor is probably coming from your floor and even up the wall. If your floor is not waterproof or if it is cracked in any way, there is a very good chance that bacteria and moisture are finding refuge there. This leads to many issues as far as Health Inspection goes. It can also lead to altering the taste of the delicious food you are working so hard to create.
Prevent Bacteria and Mold Build Up
If your floor is cracking, bubbling, chipping, shrinking, or expanding, you most likely have mold growing in your cooler. You can prevent this by choosing Vinyl Flooring. This flexible and anti-microbial floor does not break or allow bacteria to grow. This will prevent foul odors and other potential food contamination issues.
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Gaye Mathusek – Product Specialist
201-481-4302 | [email protected]