Time To Ditch The Mats!

Mats are purchased for high traffic areas in commercial kitchens or “behind the counter”. This is to aid in adding comfort to employees as well as adding slip-resistant qualities to floors that become slippery during the workday. Every day, these mats need to be cleaned to keep the number of bacteria and filth down.
Cleaning mats is a very cumbersome job. They are extremely heavy, dirty, and break easily. At the end of the day, employees need to drag these heavy mats outside, hang them up and hose them down. This doesn’t even efficiently clean the bacteria off. Bacteria leaches onto the mats, which causes horrible smells and mold to build up. Cleaning these mats also takes time which costs restaurant owners additional money every day.
Eco-Grip Safety Flooring is a wall to wall solution. This means that your entire kitchen will be slip-resistant, waterproof, leak-proof, anti-bacteria, anti-fatigue, durable, odor repellent, and even a fire retardant. Your floors will be easy to clean. No more wasting time dragging out mats. Simply follow our easy cleaning instructions. As a matter of fact, we will even extend our warranty to 10 years if you use our certified Eco-Grip cleaner. We stress this because we believe that you will extend the life of your floor by using it. Check out how to clean our floors HERE.
In addition, tests prove that every time you clean your floors, they will become more slip-resistant. Imagine that. Here’s the proof.
We truly believe that investing in Eco-Grip floors will save you money. Looking for more proof? Check out our SDS sheets and other AIA Documents HERE.
Contact an Eco-Grip Product Specialist to find out more about this amazing flooring product. We are happy to help.
Mathusek Global Sales
Gaye Mathusek
office – 888-266-0070
cell – 201-481-4302